The Name Sometime Saturday
For those who are new to the blog, you may not know why I selected the name Sometime Saturday. Where it came from and what it means. Here’s the story behind it all.
Sitting in my bedroom in 2016 I tried to settle on a name for my blog at that time. I knew I wanted the name to be anything other than Angeline. As much as I love my name, hardly anyone pronounces it correctly. Staring at a blank piece of paper, I tried to think of my favorite things. I started to write until the page was full. I was working as a CPA at that time. I knew I would only be able to dedicate meaningful time to the blog and share my outfits from the week on Saturdays. I circled Saturday on the list.
I couldn’t call the blog Saturday. I needed a second word to tack on. Then I started to second guess myself. Back then, Instagram was used to post photos with friends. I didn’t have a lot of friends at that time. I don’t think I even had one friend in Dallas at that time. It was not common in 2016 to stand alone and ask a stranger to take a photo of your outfit. Who did I think I was? I wasn’t sure if I could be brave enough to post photos of myself standing alone. I was nervous what people would think. Scared that people would talk about me behind my back. I thought ok, maybe I should wait and share my outfits once I can afford to wear fancier brands. Maybe one day when I’m the roommate with the most shoes. (I have never been the roommate with the most shoes). I could always wait and start this sometime in the future…
The desire to spend my time doing something I enjoyed outweighed my fear of standing out. I decided to use the word Sometime as a reminder to myself to begin now. I didn’t want to put it off any longer. Back in 2014 I wanted to do something similar but talked myself out of it. Someone I met just last week sent me a quote of encouragement that you can fail at something you do not enjoy, so you might as well try the thing you are excited about.
Sometime Saturday. I still love the name. And I love that nobody has EVER mispronounced it : )