Street Style

In the spirit of creativity, I’m going to try and recreate street style looks that inspire me. The first one is scheduled to go live tomorrow. The challenging part is that I’m limited to the things I already own when recreating the look. No shopping to find the missing piece(s). I should also mention that I recently gave away most of my wardrobe. Some would say we’re starting from scratch or close to it. I’m curious to see if there will be any items that I am repeatedly drawn to as part of an entire outfit only to realize that I don’t actually own that particular thing. Take the photo above for example. I love the boldness and the ease of it all. As I studied the pieces of the ensemble, I discovered that I’ve never owned navy blue sneakers. Unless you count my basketball shoes in high school.

Though I don’t know this for fact, I like to think the socks and the sneakers in the photo above were part of her final look and they weren’t just a practical shoe while in transit. I do hope that we can all get a little inspiration from this photo. Even if you don’t love the look and can’t imagine why anyone would wear an athletic shoe with a frilly dress, I hope you have the confidence to rock any shoe you want, with any outfit, on any occasion. Fashion is meant to be fun. This photo also makes me wish I had bangs. I do have a hair appointment booked next week…

Links to recreate the look: silver hoops, splurge dress , linen dress, socks, sneakers, sunglasses






Street Style Vol. 1


Straw Bags