Staying Active

Don’t let the photo or the fake smile fool you. I do not hike. If I do go on a hike, you can bet that I tried to get out of it. This particular time I couldn’t. We flew to Arizona to meet Russ’ Mom and Dad for the very first time a few years ago and during that week in AZ we golfed, we hiked, and we played pickleball. Three outdoor activities that I would have happily sat out had I not been hell bent on making a great first impression. Picture The Parent Trap when the Dad’s new girlfriend goes camping. That’s me when I’m outdoors.

Because I don’t have a desire to hike, I have to find others ways to stay active and move my body. Staying active is more difficult to do in the colder months of the year. The thought of taking off the two sweatshirts I’m wearing stacked on top of one another to do a workout of any sort sounds like an “I don’t wanna but thanks.” Maybe your drive and level of focus on staying in shape never wavers, but just in case it does, here’s what helps me stay moving when it’s sooo cold outside.

Tell a friend. This is free and it’s easy. Pick someone who is not only a positive person in your life but motivational as well. If you mention to them the types of workouts you’re doing or the kind of workouts you would like to try it creates some accountability. A good friend will later ask how it’s going and if they can join.

This isn’t free but it also helps with accountability: sign up for a workout class. The classes in Dallas are expensive and if you bail/cancel last minute they really stick it to you! For anyone on a budget this will hopefully increase the odds of attending the class and actually completing the workout.

Last but not least, buy a pair of leggings that fit and are flattering. Maybe it’s a sports bra that you don’t currently own in the right size. Whatever piece in your activewear drawer that makes you feel less than beautiful, please give it away. There’s nothing worse than trying to fit into old workout clothes from college. I don’t own but maybe two workout tops at the moment. I have to re-wear them over and over again, but they’re the right size. They make me feel pretty and don’t knock my confidence down a peg.

Some of the items on my workout wish list are linked below. Just because you’re not a woman who loves to workout doesn’t mean you can’t look cute while you give it a go!




Mocha Mousse


My 1st Day