Closet Clean Out

Eventually Russ and I will live together. When that day comes, there needs to be enough space for two wardrobes. Candidly speaking, the thought has crossed my mind to suggest that he take the guest closet or perhaps just a linen closet. In the spirit of compromise, I decided it was time to go through my closet and get rid of the excess. I do this often. I’m sure you’ve seen me post about the process. I’ve just never gone into much detail about it. Cleaning out my closet is an easy task because I cannot stand clutter. Letting things go for whatever reason makes me feel lighter. I realize that getting rid of things is not a pleasant task for everyone. I hope the three steps I’m about to share make the process less daunting.

Whether you’re moving, making room for your future spouse, or celebrating a new chapter of your life your closet needs your attention from time to time. Here’s where to begin. Ask yourself the following three questions.

  1. Does it fit?

    Please note***If you’re expecting or if you just had a baby, please give yourself some grace or maybe skip to the second question altogether. Sizes can be a sensitive subject. I’m directing this first question to those who are not in the pregnant or just had a baby category***

    Your closet should contain clothes that you can remove from the hanger and wear today. Think of your closet like a store. It may be fun to stop by the Dior store one time just to see what it’s like but I’m not going to find joy in repeatedly walking into a store with items that are unobtainable to me. I can’t afford to wear Dior. Me looking at the clothes in the Dior store again and again would only be a reminder of that. If your closet consists of clothes that are too big or too small, it’s the same thing. Getting dressed in the morning should not be a daily reminder that you’re no longer a size Small. I really think that the outfit you wear each day should be your shield. It’s the armor you put on in the morning to face the day. Come what may. The outfit you select should make you feel more confident than you would be without it. The clothes you see in the morning should not make you feel bad about yourself. So, if it doesn’t fit. For whatever reason. Please donate it to someone who currently wears that size.

  2. Have you worn it in the last year?

    Think about the last time you wore each item. Can you even remember the last time you wore a particular top? If you haven’t worn something in ages, there has to be a reason. The things you choose to keep in your closet should be things that are possible for you to wear weekly. It needs to fit, and it needs to be something you want to wear in your current season of life.

  3. Do you love it?

    If there is any hesitation or if you’re unsure, that’s a sure sign to give it away. Remember the movie Clueless? The iconic scene when Cher is going through her closet (of endless options) deciding what to wear. Fast forward to 2025. We see something similar daily when scrolling through Instagram or Tiktok. Women who have what most ladies would call a dream closet. A whole wall of shoes! Thirty plus pairs of designer denim. I don’t believe quantity is the goal. To have the most is not the purpose of fashion. The clothes in your closet should make you feel like a Queen! Each item should be one you love.

    If the thought of going through your entire closet is overwhelming just start with shoes. Or maybe pajamas. One category. I promise the feeling of giving your clothes to someone who doesn’t have as much as you or someone who isn’t in a season where they can shop is worth it. Pay it forward while also doing yourself a favor. It’s a win win.




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