Back to Basics - Black Belt
My closest friends and my mom will tell you that I usually shop based on my calendar. Vacation booked. Shop. Work event next week. Shop. Wedding to attend. Let’s look online. In the past I rarely have shopped for basics. Why is that? I love to plan and part of planning for an exciting upcoming event is answering this question “what will I wear?”
I want to create a closet full of items I can wear more often. Before my closet clean-out, my wardrobe was full of unique pieces most suitable for special occasions. Jeans and a t-shirt? Never heard of them. You can imagine my concern when I realized that I’m missing a lot of the basics. How can I as a stylist have an incomplete wardrobe? I’m working on a remedy and want to take you along for the ride as we fill in the holes.
First on the list: a black belt. The last time I bought a belt was in preparation for an event (surprise surprise) in Round Top. I found this pink belt from Amazon that had great reviews. The belt arrived and not only did it not fit, but it didn’t even look right with the outfit I wanted to wear it with. There’s plenty of room for improvement with this next belt purchase wouldn’t you say? Ever since my closet clean-out I have been searching online for a black belt. I finally settled on this classic style.
I’m curious if a black belt is something you already own. Please email, message, or comment on my social media to let me know. If you do own a black belt, are you wearing it with jeans? Over a blazer or coat?
Here are some of the black belts that I almost purchased over the classic style: